Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Class: V Subject: Mathematics Topic: Volume On 2nd September, I taught a lesson on ‘Volume’ to class V students using ICT facilities like laptop, projector, and internet. During the lesson, I have used power point presentation and short video tutorial. Alongside, I made students to have hand on experience to use cubes to build the structure by looking at diagrams; I have taught them to find volume in two different ways that is by counting the cubes that can exactly fit in a rectangular prism and other way is by using the formula. I found children were actively participating during the lesson. I found the differences between plan power point preparation and ppt prepared in 3-D. Student’s understandings is much better when taught through 3-D power point presentation. They enjoy the lesson because 3-D visual presentation makes them to understand better. Any structure build out of using cubes, children could easily solve the problems. Earlier I have used only worksheet and some diagrams drawn on the chart to teach about the same, at that time some students had difficulties solving the problems related it. Children could derive the formula to find out the volume of 3-D shape when they were taken through 3-D power point presentation. The impact on learners is much better when the ICT facilities are used in better and effective ways. To conclude, ICT plays important role in transforming educational practices. ICT not only helps to translate theory to pragmatic experience, but also makes learning more fun and creative. Thanks

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kilometre and hectometre: 1 kilometre (km) is equal to 10 hectometres (hm). In other words, 1 km = 10 hm. litre (L) and centilitre (cL) 1 l...